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Exclusive Interview with Retro Kolkata Beauty Influencer of the Year Award Winner Shaswati Biswas

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Akash Dey
I always try to involve with my followers by growing up communications in social media platforms. Putting stories, polls, question answer sessions and sometimes live sessions help me to reach them.
I always try to connect with them, listen to them, what type of content they are looking for on my feed. This is how I do my part.
Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Akash Dey. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Akash Dey

RK : First of all Heartiest congratulations on winning the Retro Kolkata Beauty influencer of the year Award . How does it feel to win the award?

Shaswati Biswas : At first I would like to Thank Retro Kolkata for giving me this award. I am honoured. Yeah it feels great. Receiving the award in front of a large audience was really amazing...Thanks RK, You made my day...

RK : What was the first thought that came to your mind when we announced your name as the Award winner?

Shaswati Biswas : My first thought was .. " Oh my GOD ... is it me??".. To be very honest.. I was not expecting the award..and when you announced my name I was like WOW..

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Akash Dey. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Akash Dey

RK : Do you see yourself as an "Blogger & influencer", and if so , what does that mean to you?

Shaswati Biswas : Yes I do. I just want to create my own style, own content and want to make my own story in my way. I always try to do something unique. Everyone have their own and unique style, and that makes him/her different from others.

RK : When did you start blogging/ social media and was your motivation for getting started ?

Shaswati Biswas : To be very honest, I started it very casually... but then I thought that my contents can somehow influence someone, and I started doing it quite regularly. My parents and friends always motivate me. Then the Brands started reaching me and my followers started liking my contents. I am always thankful to them...

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Akash Dey. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Akash Dey

RK : You have an exceptionally unique look. Where does your style savvy come from, and where do you get your inspiration?

Shaswati Biswas : I am taking it as a compliment. Thank you so very much. Well, as I said earlier, I just want to create my own style statement. According to me, Style is not only a fashion statement or what you wear or how you wear, it is how you present yourself in front of the world.

You should be confident as well as down to earth to create something distinctive and that makes you unique. My parents inspire me a lot in that case. All thanks goes to them and also my followers inspire me to do new things again and again...Lots of love for them too.

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Akash Dey. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Akash Dey

RK : How do you get involved with your followers and find the best way to give them the content they want ?

Shaswati Biswas : I always try to involve with my followers by growing up communications in social media platforms. Putting stories, polls, question answer sessions and sometimes live sessions help me to reach them.

I always try to connect with them, listen to them, what type of content they are looking for on my feed. This is how I do my part.

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Arup Dutta. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Arup Dutta

RK : In your opinion, how important are ethical standards for the fashion bloggers & influencers?

Shaswati Biswas : First of all, you should be true to yourself. Ethics is the soul of your content. Influencing people is to lead the audience towards a positive direction. I never compromise with it and no one should. I try to guide people in a right way. That’s the MANTRA to grow organically. Money shouldn't overpower your morality.

RK : Where do you see Yourself five years down the lane? Any future plan?

Shaswati Biswas : Actually I don’t see that much far. But I try to sustain in this industry as much as I can and will try to create unique stuffs as I am doing now rather will try to improve myself.

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Arup Dutta. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Arup Dutta

RK : Do you have any Beauty/Skin care tips or Tricks to look fresh and restyed for early morning Photo shoot ??

Shaswati Biswas : For early morning photo shoot, usually I do very light makeup ; at first clean up my face by a mild face wash, then use a face toner and sometimes I use face mist , after that I am always use a face moisturizer, foundation and then Kajal - lipstick must .

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Arup Dutta. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas | Photography Credit : Arup Dutta

RK : Give five fun facts people might not know about you yet.

Shaswati Biswas :

· I might be slim and skinny, but I love to eat a lot and I do eat a lot(laugh). I don’t follow any diets at all.

· I am a veryyyyy lazy person and also a late riser.

· Every time before I go out, I do not find what to wear and pull out all the clothes from my wardrobe and then I feel I have no clothes to wear . (laugh)

· I love to click selfies.

· Love story makes me bore. (Laugh)

Retro Kolkata Online Web Art Magazine on Fashion Photography Painting Music. Interview with Fashion Blogger & Influencer Shaswati Biswas from Kolkata, India. Photography by Arup Dutta. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. Retro kolkata, a trust is working to promote different kind of art and culture, a Art Magazine on Photography Music Painting and Fashion. is a Magazine working to promote Art & Culture of India.
© Shaswati Biswas

RK : We(RETRO KOLKATA) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists,because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.

Shaswati Biswas : I appreciate your initiative from the bottom of my heart. It is really amazing to see all the artists from different genres are under the same shade spreading ART. KUDOS.

And for the followers, I just want say that, " Stay supportive as you always were .Don't lose faith from yourself. If I can do it, you can do it too. "


Follow Shaswati Biswas on Instagram Follow Retro Kolkata on Instagram | Facebook Special Thanks to Akash Dey | Arup Dutta

Aura  International Painting & Photography Exhibition & Award Ceremony.jpg




We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 'AURA 2024 - The International Photography & Art Exhibition and Grand Felicitation Ceremony', following the resounding success of last year's event. This prestigious gathering will be held at Kolkata's renowned 'Nazrul Tirtha' Art Gallery (Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156) from January 13 to January 21, 2024. The event promises an international stage for artists and photographers handpicked globally to display their masterpieces alongside the mesmerizing works of esteemed artists from over 25 participating countries, all under the spotlight of national media.

Red White Minimalist Lifestyle Magazine Cover (8.268 × 11.693in) (7.423 × 10.5in) (7.8 × 1




Step into the boundless world of art with Retro Kolkata Magazine - The Global Edition. Beyond a magazine, it's a collectible tome celebrating the global tapestry of creativity. Delve into seven chapters unveiling the wonders of artistry across different mediums, uniting readers in a rich conversation that transcends borders. Embrace this cherished keepsake, a luminous narrative of human expression and interconnected art forms.

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