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Poulavi Ghosh has been nominated for International Painting and Photography Exhibition

Retro Kolkata Magazine, a renowned cultural and art publication, has announced that Poulavi Ghosh, a talented artist from the vibrant city of Kolkata, has been selected to showcase her exceptional artworks at the highly anticipated International Painting and Photography exhibition. The event, which is set to take place from June 16 to June 18, will be held at Arts Acre in Newtown, Kolkata.

Poulavi Ghosh, who has nurtured her passion for drawing since childhood, is thrilled to be part of such a prestigious exhibition. "I am Poulavi Ghosh from the City of Joy, Kolkata. I have always had a keen interest in drawing since my childhood," she shares. Her dedication to honing her artistic skills is evident through her 12 years of training under a talented teacher and her constant exploration of online tutorials.

The artist finds immense joy and inspiration in the jubilant colors and harmonious compositions that art offers. Her preferred mediums are acrylic and oil, which allow her to express herself with depth and vibrancy. Ghosh's art captivates viewers with its masterful use of color tones and the skillful portrayal of visual planes and volume within a two-dimensional framework.

"I am passionate about art because it evokes feelings of hope and positivity," explains Poulavi Ghosh. "Through my artistic journey, I aspire to explore the unlimited potentiality of visual planes and volume, pushing the boundaries of my creativity."

Retro Kolkata Magazine, known for its commitment to promoting emerging artists and celebrating cultural diversity, carefully selects participants for its International Painting and Photography exhibition. Poulavi Ghosh's selection is a testament to her remarkable talent and artistic vision.

The upcoming exhibition at Arts Acre in Newtown, Kolkata, is expected to draw art enthusiasts, collectors, and renowned artists from around the world. The event promises to be a melting pot of creativity, fostering connections and providing a platform for artists to showcase their unique perspectives.

Poulavi Ghosh's presence at the International Painting and Photography exhibition is sure to leave an indelible mark on the art community. Her artworks, which blend skillful technique with an uplifting aesthetic, are anticipated to captivate the hearts of visitors and ignite thought-provoking conversations.

Art enthusiasts and supporters of Poulavi Ghosh are eagerly looking forward to witnessing her creations displayed among an eclectic mix of talented artists. With her passion for art and commitment to growth, Poulavi Ghosh is undoubtedly an artist to watch as she continues to make her mark in the world of visual arts.

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We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 'AURA 2024 - The International Photography & Art Exhibition and Grand Felicitation Ceremony', following the resounding success of last year's event. This prestigious gathering will be held at Kolkata's renowned 'Nazrul Tirtha' Art Gallery (Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156) from January 13 to January 21, 2024. The event promises an international stage for artists and photographers handpicked globally to display their masterpieces alongside the mesmerizing works of esteemed artists from over 25 participating countries, all under the spotlight of national media.

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Step into the boundless world of art with Retro Kolkata Magazine - The Global Edition. Beyond a magazine, it's a collectible tome celebrating the global tapestry of creativity. Delve into seven chapters unveiling the wonders of artistry across different mediums, uniting readers in a rich conversation that transcends borders. Embrace this cherished keepsake, a luminous narrative of human expression and interconnected art forms.

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