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Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image © Mary Raw

Italy's Beloved Photomodel Shares Her Journey and Fights Against Bullying

Mary Raw, a renowned professional photomodel from Italy, has captivated audiences throughout the country with her stunning looks and empowering message. Beyond her successful career, Mary is using her platform to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of bullying and cyberbullying. In a heartfelt interview with Retro Kolkata Magazine, she sheds light on her personal experiences and the lessons she has learned along the way.
Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

Mary's story is one of resilience and growth. Reflecting on her childhood, she reveals that she faced real bullying in elementary, middle, and high school. Jealousy and insecurity fueled the actions of girls who targeted her due to her beauty, undermining her self-esteem and happiness. However, rather than succumbing to their negativity, Mary emerged stronger, embracing her own beauty and realizing that it is not a sin to shine brighter than others.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

Turning her beauty into a successful career as a photomodel became Mary's way of reclaiming power and overcoming the bullies of her past. Her triumph serves as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges, demonstrating that one can rise above adversity and channel it into something positive. Moreover, Mary emphasizes the importance of instilling these valuable lessons in future generations. She is determined to teach her own children about acceptance, kindness, and the dangers of bullying, ensuring they never experience the pain she endured.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

Transitioning to the digital landscape, Mary addresses the issue of cyberbullying, particularly prevalent for influencers and well-known individuals like herself. She explains that those who envy success and popularity often resort to attacking and competing with their targets. Behind the safety of a screen, these individuals vent their frustrations, projecting their own insecurities onto others.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

Mary shares her personal encounters with cyberbullying, including encounters with girls who would create false narratives or attempt to imitate her in an attempt to mock her. However, she remains steadfast, revealing that she reports such incidents to the relevant authorities, empowering herself and others to stand against online harassment.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

With a message of strength and self-assuredness, Mary reminds her followers that these bullies will never triumph. Encouraging resilience, she urges everyone who has faced or is facing such challenges to remain unwavering in the face of adversity, focusing on personal success, dreams, and the support of genuine admirers.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

As Mary enters an exciting new chapter in her life, she shares her joy in expecting a baby girl. Grateful for the increasing appreciation from her fans, she looks forward to expanding her presence internationally. Following the birth of her child, Mary plans to redouble her efforts, promising exciting surprises for her loyal followers.

Mary Raw: Inspiring Beauty, Overcoming Bullying, and Spreading Awareness : Retro Kolkata Exclusive
Image ©Mary Raw

Mary Raw's journey is one of inspiration, resilience, and a commitment to spreading awareness about the harmful effects of bullying. She serves as a beacon of hope for those facing similar struggles, encouraging them to embrace their own beauty, pursue their dreams, and rise above the negativity. With her empowering message, Mary continues to make a positive impact on the world, leaving a legacy of strength and compassion.


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We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 'AURA 2024 - The International Photography & Art Exhibition and Grand Felicitation Ceremony', following the resounding success of last year's event. This prestigious gathering will be held at Kolkata's renowned 'Nazrul Tirtha' Art Gallery (Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156) from January 13 to January 21, 2024. The event promises an international stage for artists and photographers handpicked globally to display their masterpieces alongside the mesmerizing works of esteemed artists from over 25 participating countries, all under the spotlight of national media.

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Step into the boundless world of art with Retro Kolkata Magazine - The Global Edition. Beyond a magazine, it's a collectible tome celebrating the global tapestry of creativity. Delve into seven chapters unveiling the wonders of artistry across different mediums, uniting readers in a rich conversation that transcends borders. Embrace this cherished keepsake, a luminous narrative of human expression and interconnected art forms.

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