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Interview with Jazzmine Rise | Germany | Guest Model | World Fashion

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : Please say something about you. About your career as model. How did you get started?

Jazzmine : Hello my dear Indian followers. It’s a pleasure and honor for me to be your guest model in the international category. I will try to help you as much as I can. Feel free to ask me your questions on my social platforms or in my future live streams.

So let me introduce myself: My name is Jazzmine Rise. I am an international model working for different well-known companies. Originally born and raised in Germany I studied and graduated in journalism. In my childhood until teenage period I was a professional ballet dancer and until today I benefit from this experience for example body tension.

I was always a very ambitious person both in my studies and my private life. Once a scout from a model agency saw me on the stage of a ballet theater and asked me if I wanna try modeling.

So my new passion was born and I started with model jobs.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : What was your first big break in the industry ?

Jazzmine : The first year of my model career I was mainly working around Germany, but I realized that the next step was to expand international. So I went for 6 months to Asia and the first big break was definitely my campaign for Pepsi Asia/ China.

RK : What do you enjoy most in modeling?

Jazzmine : Modeling isn’t just a work for me: It’s my passion and my love. I enjoy being on the stage and on the catwalk. I love traveling around the world and my jobs in different countries let me meet many new people and cultures and let me see very beautiful places.

RK : What has been your favorite shoot / campaign / work to date?

Jazzmine : To be honest there was no favorite shoot/ campaign. I really enjoy almost every job and I love to see the results of them.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : How would you describe your personal style? Where do you pull your inspiration from?

Jazzmine : I am an ambitious person who always tries to give 100% in my jobs. But I am also open minded for new people and cultures. Although I am an ambitious person I am never egoistic. So friends, colleagues or also you as my followers can always ask me for help and I try to help as good as I can. I also think that’s the key of my success: Always be professional but also try to improve the life of your fellows.

My inspiration I pull from my mum. Whenever I feel spirit-or powerless I can talk to her and she always finds a solution for me. I am very glad to have her in my life. She supports me so much.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : Sometimes the modeling industry gets a bad rap with the jealousy and egos encountered between other models and agencies. Was this true for you? Have you managed to tough it out and make good friends?

Jazzmine : Yes that can be true, but most times I experienced mostly positive vibes. If there is a negative situation and you feel there is some jealousy then don’t let the negative feelings become rampant of you. Try to face those persons with positivity and kindness and mostly the hate is going to disappear.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?

Jazzmine : An apple a day keeps the doctor away =) Yes it’s true. I try to eat mostly healthy and once in a week I have a „cheat day“ in which I can eat whatever I want like pizza or cheesecake.

RK : How do you stay in Shape?

Jazzmine : As already mentioned I mostly eat healthy. Furthermore I go swimming 3 times a week and do some stretching workouts.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : Do you have a skin care routine?

Jazzmine : No there is nothing special. I just use a normal body lotion like everyone else.

RK : Do you have any Beauty/Skin Care tips or Tricks to look fresh and rested for early morning Photo shoot?

Jazzmine : Try to get enough sleep and always take off your make-up in the evening. That’s the most important tip I can give you. Furthermore do your early morning cold shower to get your circulatory going and drink a cup of coffee or black tea.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : What skills according to you are necessary to be a successful model ?

Jazzmine : Be ambitious and professional. Even if you have a bad day try not to let the others feel your mood.

Body tension is also an important and often underrated aspect.

RK : What are the 5 Things you want to tell newbies before he/she becomes a model ?

Jazzmine : 1) Be ambitious, don’t let demoralize yourself from setbacks

2) You won’t be an international asked person from the beginning. You should know that your way to success can take a long period of time and every small step is a step and you should value it.

3) Modeling should become your passion. If you don’t enjoy what you do you won’t be successful or even if, that won’t last for a long time.

4) Even if you have many jobs and much to do always try to find some square for regeneration.

5) Try to build a network. Every new friend could be the one who might find a model job for you in some months. So appreciate every new contact and keep in touch with them.

©Jazzmine Rise

RK : Have you ever been to India and anything you know about Indian Art & Culture?

Jazzmine : Yes my parents love the Indian culture, so I was visiting India already several times. So yes I know about Indian Art & Culture, but India is such a big and versatile country. Even if you study India your whole life you will just know a small piece of this beautiful country.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to make a bridge between National and International Art & Culture By featuring some National & International personalities who already have made their own path in their respective fields and we think your story and tips might help the newcomers to build their career. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your Indian followers.

Jazzmine : As I already mentioned besides my jobs I try to help my followers to improve themselves. So feel free to visit my Instagram, twitter or my future live streams in and ask me if you have any further questions. I wish you all the best and believe me if you want something you can reach it. Just be patient, ambitious and passionate in the things you do.

©Jazzmine Rise


Follow Jazzmine Rise on Instagram | Twitter

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