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Retro Kolkata || An Interview with FlowerLeaf, Brazil || Guest Band || World Music

Band Members

  • Vivs Takahashi: Vocals

  • Marcelo Kaczorowsky: Bass

Vivs and Marcelo have both enjoyed playing and singing in many different bands through their lives but they have always met the challenge of finding musicians with the objective of making their own music and working hard on one project. In 2014 they got married and started supporting each other's dreams even harder. When finally, in 2017 they decided to leave all their music projects behind to work together in one single goal. And so, FlowerLeaf was born.

In April 2018, they released their first single “Firesoul” that was very well received by the public. But it was with their second single “Girl in Pearls”, released in July 2018 along with a music video that they started to get in the spotlight. Now, the band has announced the release of their first album entitled “Stronger” for November/2018. The album contains 10 tracks, including ‘Firesoul’ and ‘Girl in Pearls’ and it also features two great singers, Mylena Monaco and Marina La Torraca.

RK : First of all, thank you for accepting our invitation. Say something about FlowerLeaf.

FlowerLeaf : FlowerLeaf is a band that Marcelo and I came up with last year and we decided to follow our dream that was to have our band, work full time with it and spread our message into the world.

RK : Share with us what is the story behind the name FlowerLeaf. Why did you decide to pick this name for the band?

FlowerLeaf : We thought of many names for the band with high impact or something very different. But in the end, the name of the band is really about us, Vivs and Marcelo. I, Vivs, am the Flower and Marcelo is the Leaf.

RK : Can you recall the moment when you thought you could be in this group together? How did you all first meet each other? Has anything surprised you about it all so far?

FlowerLeaf : Marcelo and I have played in at least 2 bands together, before FlowerLeaf. Besides being a couple, we worked really well on stage. So we decided to give it a try and start composing our own songs. We met almost 10 years ago, but it was just last year that we thought we could do something of our own. I think we were surprised when we finished our first song and said: Hey, we can really do this!

RK : Which are your biggest band influences?

FlowerLeaf : I love Nightwish, Tarja Turunen, Within Temptation, Helloween and Stratovarius. Marcelo goes more to the hard and progressive rock side, like Yes, Rush and Mr. Big.

RK : What was the first song you played as a band?

FlowerLeaf : The first band we played together was a classic rock cover band. I guess the first song we played together was Proud Mary, by Creedence. With FlowerLeaf, our first song was Grain of Sand.

RK : What do you consider to be the incisive moments in your work and/or career?

FlowerLeaf : It was when we were in a Nightwish cover band and we thought that we could make our own music, but we had to really focus on that. So we left this band to put all our efforts on FlowerLeaf.

RK : How strictly do you separate improvising and composing?

FlowerLeaf : We don’t really improvise a lot. We do have some ideas on guitar, bass, piano or voice separately, but we when put things together, usually we come up with a full song.

RK : Let’s talk about your latest music video, “Girl in Pearls” released in 2018, Tell us something about the music video.

FlowerLeaf : The video was recorded in Peruibe, a Brazilian beach and it was directed by Juily Manghirmalani. We got her contact through a friend and from the start we knew she was right for us. She totally changed the initial idea, which was to record in a theatre, and she really got the essence of the music.

RK : What was the inspiration for your newest music video and what message you want to convey through this video?

FlowerLeaf : The idea was to have this little girl, growing up all alone and then finally freeing herself from the things that were restraining her. The video shows that you are never truly alone and that you can get wherever you want to if you just dive into it.

RK : What is the biggest change you feel after and before your first single " Firesoul”?

FlowerLeaf : We felt like FlowerLeaf was finally born! All our work was there and people were enjoying it. Then we really felt we existed as a band.

RK : How has 2018 been treating you so far? What is one musical goal that you have had for this year and how close are you to reaching it?

FlowerLeaf : 2018 is being full of good surprises for us. Girl in Pearls achieved a visibility that we were not expecting and this gave us more energy to release our debut album, that is coming out in November this year.

RK : If you had all the money and time in the world, what song either yours or someone else’s would you love to re-create? What the video be like?

FlowerLeaf : I would love to recreate some Broadway songs and have a full stage with set, props and costumes to do it.

RK : Where do you think you are all happiest: In the studio recording new music, on stage performing or elsewhere?

FlowerLeaf : Besides being a singer, I’m also an actress, so being on stage is where I feel the happiest. Marcelo also enjoys being on stage a lot.

RK : Outside your genre, what music do you like?

FlowerLeaf : I like pop, folk, new age, J-Pop... like Jewel, The Corrs, Sarah Brightman and Christina Aguilera… Marcelo likes indie and tropicalia, like Secos e Molhados, Mutantes and Temper Trap.

RK : Have you ever been to India and anything you know about Indian Art & Culture?

FlowerLeaf : I was once in theatre play that took place in India, so I had to do some research about Indian culture and I think it’s very rich and fascinating.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to make a bridge between National and International Art & Culture By featuring some National & International personalities who already have made their own path in their respective fields and we think your story and tips might help the newcomers to build their career. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your Indian followers.

FlowerLeaf : The world needs more initiatives like this. Especially for young artists that usually don’t know where to start (as we didn’t). But if you really put all your efforts to achieve your goals, one day you will get there. It’s important to be realistic and know where you’re stepping into, but it all starts with a dream. So follow it.


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