I would not really know how to describe my style because even if it is versatile there is always my personality in it which makes it personal. One of my sources of inspiration is definitely the Italian most known top model Bianca Balti, she is my role model.

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview. Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion model. How did you get started?
Silvia : My career started five years ago, when I was only 13. Me and my mum were seeing photo of young models walking on the runways and we thought it would be an interesting adventure to have. It was just a hobby, when I first modeled for Fabio Porliod (an Italian, talented fashion stylist) and then it turned into a true exciting job.

RK : What was your first big break in the industry?
Silvia : My first break in the industry was in a beauty competition in North Italy. I was not expecting to win and neither to be contacted by many people from this world at the end of the night. It was not a big event, but it was definitely were everything started to be bigger and more important. I can still remember the feeling of the victory.
RK : What do you enjoy most in modeling?
Silvia : Definitely walking with confidence on the runway, it is my way to demonstrate that I am succeeding in what I do.

RK : What has been your favorite shoot / campaign / work to date?
Silvia : Last year I acted in “L’amore, il Sole e le altrestelle”, an important sitcom that was on one of the most known channels of the Italian TV. I was not into the “movie world” but with patience, devotion and a little bit of luck, I passed the castings and started acting with big actors and actresses such as Ricky Memphis and Valentina Incontrada. I was really grateful for this opportunity and I enjoyed every day on the set, learning and having fun while acting.

RK : How would you describe your personal style, where do you pull your inspiration from?
Silvia : I would not really know how to describe my style because even if it is versatile there is always my personality in it which makes it personal. One of my sources of inspiration is definitely the Italian most known top model Bianca Balti, she is my role model.
RK : Sometimes the modeling industry gets a bad rap with the jealousy and egos encountered between other models and agencies. Was this true for you? Have you managed to tough it out and make good friends?
Silvia : It was really true for me. Numerous times I had to deal with people of this tricky world who were not enjoying the good side of mode, television and shows but just doing it for money. These individuals were not human and it is the worst thing.
Even though, I also met beautiful and deep people with who I have built true friendships that exists even after the curtains drop.

RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?
Silvia : My beauty regime is based on my interior happiness. After all these years, I realized that there are no moisturizing or products that can take care of your skin, hair, and body as you doing what you really want, surrounding yourself of people who love you and enjoying the positive life’s vibes.
So my beauty secret is to fix a goal, work hard to achieve it and enjoy everything that makes you feel good. This would make you happy and consequently look relaxed, beautiful and fresh.
RK : How do you stay in Shape?
Silvia : I work with my body, so I always have to be in shape. To make it happen, I follow a balanced diet without denials, this involves working harder at the gym. But the two hours working out are more enjoyable if after them there is dessert at home!

RK : Do you have a skin care routine?
Silvia : The skin is our forever dress: it is really important to take care of it. Every morning and every night I clean my skin with a foaming cleaner and hot water, then I do a little massage with the moisturizing cream. To help my skin look good, twice a month, I do a gommage, mud masks or skincare treatments to maintain my skin clean, young and bright.
RK : Do you have any Beauty/Skin Care tips or Tricks to look fresh and rested for early morning Photo shoot?
Silvia : The only trick is having nine hours of deep sleep and then have a fresh shower to wake you up and to make you feel light and rested.

RK : What skills according to you are necessary to be a successful model?
Silvia : A model needs to have numerous skills but, in my opinion, it is necessary to be determinate and perseverant. If you do not like this work, your face will convey it and even worst if you do not keep working hard or caring about it, the train is going to leave without you.
RK : What are the 5 Things you want to tell newbies before he/she become a model.
Silvia : My advices are:
Be sure you want it, sometimes the “model dream” influence the mind. It is funny and a big opportunity to be model, but it is also hard and stressful sometimes.
Never give up, even if it is tricky.
Stay with the feet on the ground, there is nothing worse than people putting their-self on a pedestal.
Jump! It is an interesting world, do not stop yourself if you feel it.
Be yourself. It is the only way in which you can become a successful model.

RK : If you could have one Superpower, what would you choose?
Silvia : The Superpower that I would probably choose is the time travel. It has always been something special that I have wished for. Can you imagine being able to travel during the time and living a typical life of two hundred years ago or maybe thousands? Or maybe being able to go back in the time and make changes to save our environment!
RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Silvia : I loved to participate in this project for Retro Kolkata and their vision of arts and harmony, collaborating was a pleasure.
I always try to send this message through my social’s accounts but here I would like to remember all my followers to ENJOY EVERYTHING, EVERYTIME. Life happens once.
Follow Silvia Toscano on Instagram