Social media is a really good platform to show your inner talent, use it wisely. Also in the world of influencing people for the right thing which is actually good for others and if you want to make your career in fashion blogging than it requires time, dedication and strategic planning. It's not all rainbows and butterflies. Starting a blogging is really hard work and there are a lot of pitfalls along the way. especially if it's your first time. And last but not the least never copy someone just be the way you are.

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview. Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion influencer &model. How did you get started?
Rini Khanna : First of all, thank you for giving me this platform where I can share my journey and experiences.
Well it was not easy for me to follow my passion "influencing" well after working for 3 years in MNC, I felt that I should follow my passion. so i left my job and started this journey. Along with teaching, I do "influencing". I am very passionate about fashion since my childhood.
"Influencing" is not just a word for me, according to me it's a big responsibility to influence people and make them believe in you. I have faced many difficulties in initial days. But now I am really happy that I chose to follow my passion and now turning it into my career.
well how i started, for this i want to thank my friends who encouraged me to for this, and then finally one fine day I decided to start fashion influencing with "Instagram".

RK : You have an exceptionally unique look. Where does your style savvy come from, and where do you get your inspiration
Rini Khanna : Everyone feels great when they get compliments for styling and all, I also feel the same. Styling is something in which I feel comfortable. I always wear in which i feel good. styling depends on our inner beauty. I wear or do styling the way i feel. It's something inherited in me. I was so particular about clothes and my looks during my childhood (even now hahaha).
I got inspired from my favourite "Aashna Shroff". She is really the biggest inspiration for me. I admire her a lot.

RK : Do you see yourself as an “influencer”, and if so, what does that mean to you?
Rini Khanna : Yes, I see myself as an influencer. But instead of influencing, I want to motivate others to chase their dreams. I feel great and blessed when i get a compliment from others. It means a lot to me because it makes me realise that I am moving in the right direction. And i feel more good because I know I am doing all this with limited sources without spending lavishly.
RK : When did you start blogging/ social media, and what was your motivation for getting started?
Rini Khanna : I will never forget the day I started blogging. It was 28 Aug 2018. My friends (Sudhir and Dushant) were my motivation for getting started it and I am thankful to them.

RK : Do you have specific blog/ social media influencer aspirations, and if so what are they?
Rini Khanna : Yes, of course I do have and i am working really hard to achieve it. And I am pretty sure that with my hard work one day my work will speak rather than my words.
RK : As an influencer are there particular brands you work with now? Which brands would you like to be working with?
Rini Khanna : Not particular, but yes I have worked with brands like Ajio, Bioderma, trysugar, stalkbuylove, Samsung, Daniel Wellington, Leaf studios, Dainik Bhaskar, My turms, swadesi merchandise, round neck and many more. And I really want to work with all the big brands, I don't want to name any particular brand.

RK : Would you please share with us one fashion prediction you foresee for 2019 or 2020 – either mainstream or alternative?
Rini Khanna : Well fashion prediction for 2020 would be pastels and bold colours. Designers will get inspiration from 70's i guess ( pleated pants, skirts etc)
RK : If you were to give someone advice who is thinking about getting into social media and the world of influencing, what would it be? How about fashion blogging
Rini Khanna : One advice for social media, social media is a really good platform to show your inner talent, use it wisely. Also in the world of influencing people for the right thing which is actually good for others. And if you want to make your career in fashion blogging than it requires time, dedication and strategic planning. It's not all rainbows and butterflies. Starting a blogging is really hard work and there are a lot of pitfalls along the way. especially if it's your first time. And last but not the least never copy someone just be the way you are. like my Instagram username says "beingrini" . I am being myself.

RK : What’s your beauty regime? Would you like to share some of your best beauty secrets?
Rini Khanna : Umm.. Drink lots of water and always take a proper sleep, this is what I follow everyday.
RK : If you could have one Superpower, what would you choose?
Rini Khanna : If i could have one superpower woww, than definitely, i would love to read others mind.

RK : Do you have any upcoming events or announcements you wish to share?
Rini Khanna : Well i have something really big to share but I can;'t disclose it right now. So I will share it at the right time.
RK : Give us 5 fun facts people might not know about you yet.
Rini Khanna : a) I am very foodie person, I eat a lot.
b) I daily order something from zomato especially at night after having my dinner (rofl)
c) I am very shoe lover, like i am, crazy about shoes.
d) I am very moody. my choices change with the time.
e) I eat ice a lot hahaha.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Rini Khanna : I am really thankful to you people. Your team is doing really good work and I really appreciate that you took this initiative where we can share our experiences and journey. bringing everyone together is really not an easy task and I think only "Retro Kolkata" can do this. kudos to your team.
Follow Rini Khanna on Instagram