We have to agree that the habit of listening music has changed now. People prefer audio visual over the only audio. Gone are those days when people used to buy cassettes, DVDs. At that time people could not see the face of the artist and was satisfied only on their voice. So, at the time of public show only their appearance was enough. But, in todays’ life everything is exposed. And when you are exposed to a platform, you have to perform. Perform doesn't mean dancing with the song. As an artist I feel that if you enjoy while singing on stage, people will also enjoy it. When you are in a mood, you can sway or dance whatever you want. Connecting with the people is most important.

RK : When did you first gravitate to music? Did you always know that you wanted to have a career in music or you had some other plans?
Mekhla : From a very tender age, I was attracted to music and other art forms like dancing, painting etc. But being born in a family, where no ancestor having music as profession, my family also wanted me to become a banker or govt employee. Though my parents have a divine love for music thoroughly, they didn't realize that their daughter could be a professional singer someday. Music has always been the most loved hobby in my family. Even I had no idea in my childhood that I would make music as a profession. No prior planning but only immense love for music has drawn me towards this profession.
RK : Who has been your greatest guide, support and source of inspiration in music? Who’s been standing beside you through your ups and downs?
Mekhla : I inherited the sense of music from my mother. In her childhood she had a dream to be a singer. But due to some limitations in her life she could not pursue her dream. So, her unfulfilled dream has somehow found a path in my life. My parents and my elder sister have been a strong pillar in my life throughout no matter if its music or any other aspects of life. They have always been a support in my ups and downs.

RK : Do you follow or incorporate any particular singer’s style in your rendition? Who is your favourite international artiste and what quality attracts you to him/her?
Mekhla : All the artists have their own style and I love all the special styles, but, Celin Dion and Kishore Kumar are the biggest inspiration in my life. I love their singing style and also their performance. I love to follow them.
RK : You have made your tollywood debut by the song "Baje Bina" from Abhijit Guha & Sudeshna Roy’s film ‘Dekh Kamon Lage’. How it all happened?
Mekhla : I have always dreamed that, if I get noticed by some music director while participating in a reality show. But it was only in my dream. I didn't expect that it really can happen in my life. I feel very fortunate and thankful to the God for this rare opportunity. Also, I am obliged to the Director of that reality show Avijit Sen, The Music Director Jeet Ganguly, who was one of the judges of the show and the producer of that movie Prosenjit Chatterjee who trusted me with this responsibility.

RK : Let’s talk about your newest single “Asomoyee Brishti”, which has already been a massive hit. What’s the story/concept behind the track?
Mekhla : I composed this song in 2014. Besides singing I always wanted to create something new because in the process of a creation I feel the utmost joy. I don't have any clue from where a composition is generated in mind. The day I created the tune was a rainy day and while sitting in the balcony of my flat this tune came into my mind. I gave this tune to my friend Arindam to put some words on it. He beautifully wrote this song and after some discussion and correction the song got a proper shape.
RK : Apart from your genre, as an individual artist, what genres of music are you interested in exploring?
Mekhla : Every genre has its own style, I love all those. I love all the beautiful compositions irrespective of genre. Hindustani classical, western classical, hard rock, jazz, pop, melody whatever it is, if a composition is strong, I am attracted to that music. Strong doesn't means it has to be very complicated. Rather I prefer simple but strong compositions.
RK : These days it’s not enough for a singer to sing. They must also perform. Do you enjoy this aspect of it?
Mekhla : Yes, absolutely! Things have been changed a lot and will continue to change as the time passes by. We have to agree that the habit of listening music has changed now. People prefer audio visual over the only audio. Gone are those days when people used to buy cassettes, DVDs. At that time people could not see the face of the artist and was satisfied only on their voice. So, at the time of public show only their appearance was enough. But, in todays’ life everything is exposed. And when you are exposed to a platform, you have to perform. Perform doesn't mean dancing with the song. As an artist I feel that if you enjoy while singing on stage, people will also enjoy it. When you are in a mood, you can sway or dance whatever you want. Connecting with the people is most important.

RK : Are you doing any musical collaboration?
Mekhla : No. I haven’t .
RK : Did you have any incident where you think if you’d taken it, life would’ve been completely different. If yes, what was it?
Mekhla : Till now I am happy with all my decisions. I follow some ethics. I took so many brave decisions in my life, for which I had a lot of setbacks for a temporary period. But in long run it actually happened to be a good decision. All the good things take time. I don't chase shortcut success.

RK : You have done numerous live performances as well as studio recordings. Which of these two you enjoy more and why.
Mekhla : I enjoy both if I feel the vibes are good. We don't get same environment everywhere. If the environment is musical, I love to perform. As a performer I always crave for musical minded audience. Same goes for the recording. When I get a good composition or positive vibes the energy is reflected in my singing.

RK : Give us 5 fun facts people might not know about you yet.
Mekhla : I burp a lot and sometimes at very odd time. Suppose I am about to sing the 1st line of a song in a recording session, and suddenly I burp!!
2. I have a very bad cooking skill and I have so many fun stories related to cooking experiments.
3. I have a research prone mind. Whenever I get a new thing, I love to do experiments on it, like ruining my gold earrings by mercury which I collected by breaking a thermometer and so on!!
4. In my childhood I used to take comic books in the bathroom to read!
5.I’m very fond of mango. In my childhood, when cartons of mangoes were delivered in our home from the shop, me and my elder sister would sort and write our names on some of the chosen mangoes to ensure the ownership.

RK : What advice would you give to aspiring singers?
Mekhla : Only if you have immense love and passion for music, you should enter this industry. Don’t choose this profession for fame. It’s a fulltime job where there is no assured or fixed income. It’s a risky profession to choose.
RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Mekhla : First of all, I would like to congratulate the Retro Kolkata for this initiative to promote music and other art forms. I really appreciate Retro Kolkata for being an international platform where all the aspiring artists get featured. And I just want to say the followers that...
Believe in yourself, have patience, do good work, help others, promote the good works and live a healthy, happy life and never stop dreaming. If you put all your efforts towards your passion, one day your good work and dedication will bring fruits in your life.