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Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata - The Global Edition

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

In the ever-evolving sphere of fashion and beauty, very few individuals manage to carve out a niche that resonates authentically and widely. One such illustrious persona is Anna Sitkina, a multifaceted powerhouse who has seamlessly blended the realms of fashion influence and modelling. With a heart fervently attuned to the pulsating rhythms of the fashion industry, Anna has triumphantly emerged as a beacon of inspiration and a bona fide trendsetter. In this exclusive conversation with Retro Kolkata Magazine, Anna divulges insights into her illustrious journey, the wellsprings of her inspiration, and the ethos that governs her dynamic trajectory.
Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : Anna, you've become an international symbol for fashion and beauty. Can you tell us about your journey? How did you start in this field and what propelled you to this level of influence?

Anna : My journey into the fashion world began gradually. I have always been a big fan of fashion and beauty and was happy to share my experience and ideas with others. My love for these areas eventually made me to create my own social media profiles, where I started sharing my personal style and beauty tips. It was a gradual process, but my passion for this industry, along with hard work and dedication, brought me to the level of influence that I have now.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : As someone who has experienced the fashion world as both an influencer and a model, how would you say these two roles interact and influence each other?

Anna : Being both an influential person and a model, I got a unique perspective. The modeling world has given me the opportunity to look into the fashion industry from the inside, while my status as an influential person allows me to bring these fashion trends and ideas to my audience. These two roles complement each other, allowing me to navigate the fashion world with greater ease and authenticity.

Retro Kolkata : Many look to you as a trendsetter. Where do you draw your inspiration from when it comes to fashion and beauty trends?

Anna : Inspiration is everywhere! I watch fashion shows, vintage fashion, street style, event art and nature. My approach is always to keep an open mind, absorb everything that surrounds me, and then use it in a unique way.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : You've shown a deep passion for haircare as well. Can you tell us what sparked this interest and how you became a specialist in the field?

Anna : My interest in haircare came from personal experience. After years of modelling, my hair went through a lot. I had to learn how to take care of it properly. Over time, my passion grew, and I decided to share what I learned with others, which has been incredibly rewarding.

Retro Kolkata : In a world filled with myriad haircare products and treatments, how do you navigate and select which ones to recommend to your followers? Can you share some of your favourite products or routines that have made a significant difference in your haircare journey?

Anna : I always prefer products that match my hair type and specific needs. It is necessary to read the labels, study the ingredients and understand their effect on your hair. Some of my favorite products include moisturizing masks, sulfate-free shampoos and indelible conditioners. But remember, everyone's hair is different, so what's perfect for me may not be right for you.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : You're known for your expertise in haircare. How do you foresee the haircare industry evolving in the next few years and what trends should our readers be aware of? What role do you plan to play in shaping this evolution?

Anna : The hair care industry is moving towards more natural and eco-friendly products. I see a future in which hair health will be a priority, not just appearance. I plan to continue educating and inspiring my subscribers to make more conscious decisions when we are talking about hair care.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : We know the fashion and beauty industry is rapidly evolving. What are some trends or changes you're excited about currently, especially in relation to haircare?

Anna : I am excited about the growing inclusivity in the beauty and fashion industry, including hair care. More and more brands are recognizing the diversity of hair types and textures, which is a fantastic achievement.

Retro Kolkata : How do you balance staying authentic and true to yourself with the pressure to constantly present a polished image on your platforms?

Anna : The main thing is to remember that I am, first of all, a person, and secondly, a public person. Although I strive to present high-quality content, I also make sure that this is what the real side of my life looks like. I believe that authenticity is what truly connects me to the audience.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : Sustainability and ethical practices have become increasingly important in the fashion and beauty industry. How do you incorporate these values into your work and lifestyle?

Anna : Sustainability and ethical standards are of paramount importance to me. I strive to work with brands that match my values and use my profile to promote the importance of making informed decisions when it comes to fashion and beauty.

Retro Kolkata : As an influencer, you have the power to shape perceptions and opinions. How do you handle this responsibility, especially when it comes to promoting beauty standards?

Anna : I seriously take this responsibility. I strive to promote inclusivity and diversity in beauty. Beauty exists in all shapes, sizes and colors, and it is important that it is represented in the fashion industry.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

Retro Kolkata : From your extensive career, is there a particular campaign or collaboration that holds a special place in your heart? Could you share the story behind it?

Anna : Each campaign and collaboration was special in its own way, but working on a sustainable clothing line with an eco-friendly brand was especially rewarding. It perfectly matched my values, and to see the final results was an incredibly enjoyable experience.

Retro Kolkata : Lastly, you're an inspiration to many young people who aspire to become influencers or models. What advice would you give them as they start their journey in this industry?

Anna : Be patient and stay true to yourself. It's easy to get lost in an industry where appearance is often prioritized over content. Don't be afraid to speak out and share your unique voice and opinion. Remember that your authenticity is your greatest asset.

Anna Sitkina Chronicle - Merging Authenticity with Influence : Retro Kolkata -  The Global Edition

From an avid admirer of the fashion world to a towering figure influencing the aesthetics and narratives within the industry, Anna Sitkina's journey is a testament to passion fuelled by relentless dedication and authenticity. Through her vigilant selection of beauty and haircare products, to her ardent advocacy for sustainability and inclusivity, Anna is shaping a future where beauty transcends traditional boundaries. As she continues to inspire and guide aspiring individuals in the industry, her grounding advice echoes the core of her philosophy - that authenticity remains one's greatest asset. It is this grounded vision that not only sets Anna apart but also makes her a luminary in the fashion and beauty panorama. As we wrap up this enriching dialogue, we are left with a deeper appreciation for the integrity and depth that Anna brings to the global fashion landscape.

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We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 'AURA 2024 - The International Photography & Art Exhibition and Grand Felicitation Ceremony', following the resounding success of last year's event. This prestigious gathering will be held at Kolkata's renowned 'Nazrul Tirtha' Art Gallery (Action Area I, Newtown, Kolkata 700156) from January 13 to January 21, 2024. The event promises an international stage for artists and photographers handpicked globally to display their masterpieces alongside the mesmerizing works of esteemed artists from over 25 participating countries, all under the spotlight of national media.

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Step into the boundless world of art with Retro Kolkata Magazine - The Global Edition. Beyond a magazine, it's a collectible tome celebrating the global tapestry of creativity. Delve into seven chapters unveiling the wonders of artistry across different mediums, uniting readers in a rich conversation that transcends borders. Embrace this cherished keepsake, a luminous narrative of human expression and interconnected art forms.

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