Just be yourself and don't hesitate to experiment. Keep working hard and one day you'll definitely get what you want.

RK : First of all, thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview.Please say something about you. About your career as a fashion influencer & model. How did you get started?
Anmol : Thanks for making me a part of this. I was always amused by the world of fashion and had a knack of dressing up well. So in mid of 2018 I finally gave a thought to create a page with good insights on fashion and lifestyle and that's how it all started. And due to all this I started bagging modeling projects as well.
RK : What is that specific moment in your life which lit the spark in you to become a model?
Anmol : Not any specific moment but it came gradually. I was always fascinated by the world of fashion and always thought about becoming a part of this community.

RK : What did you wanted to become when you were little?
Anmol : I wanted to become a pilot at one time.
RK : When did you start blogging/ social media, and what was your motivation for getting started?
Anmol : I started blogging last year i.e 2018. My motivation was to give some style ideas to Indian guys.
RK : How would you describe your personal style and is there a person in fashion who inspires you?
Anmol : I would describe it as being comfortable in what you wear. You can carry anything if you're comfortable in it.

RK : What do you enjoy most in modeling?
Anmol : Getting to meet different people, networking with them. And of course posing .
RK : What’s the biggest misconception about the male modeling industry?
Anmol : That you need a perfect physique for any modeling project

RK : What do you do to stay in shape?
Anmol : I do gym on a regular basis and keep my diet on check.
RK : Which fashion designers and fashion bloggers do you admire?
Anmol : I really admire Santoshi Shetty's style.

RK : What are three menswear brands you love and why?
Anmol : I love zara, h&m and Gap. They keep changing their style almost every week and most of them are super cool and affordable
RK : What has been your best fashion purchase ever?
Anmol : A leather jacket.

RK : If you had to name one thing, what would be your favorite thing in your wardrobe right now?
Anmol : My jacket from Zara.
RK : What is your favorite style, a suit or casual wear?
Anmol : It depends really, but casual.
RK : What advice would you give men just becoming interested in fashion and beginning to define their style?
Anmol : Just be yourself and don't hesitate to experiment. Keep working hard and one day you'll definitely get what you want.

RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Anmol : I believe this is a great initiative as there's no such platform as of now which brings all the artists together. I think this will open new gateways for each one of us and we will be able to know about each other better. Lastly I would like to thank to everyone out there supporting me. I am all because you guys. Love you all. Cheers!
Follow Anmol Trehan on Instagram