I feel today's brides are very independent and are very well prepared in advance with their references and acknowledgements from their parents. yet I always advise my brides not to reroute totally from the traditional looks and retain some element of ethnicity and we make it work with the modern concept which goes down very well with the family too.

RK : First of all thanks a lot for accepting our invitation for an interview. It’s a great pleasure to have you. Let's jump into the past. When and how did you get into beauty industry ?
Vipul : My initiation into make up in a surreptitious way in a generation where body glitters and pastels shadow was a rage in Bollywood. Being an assistant to JOJO for couple of years, there was an opportunity knocking at the door “ me” as a solo make up artist , a platform to shine wondering could I pull of the master stroke , the gloss and crimped hair ? and hands holding the foundation brush said “ yes”.
RK : What famous artists have influenced you, and how?
Vipul : An artist which has influenced me would be one and only John Galliano who has created legendary looks and revolution with his creativity from fur free to Haute Galliano influenced me to aspire and inspire the world with your unique originality

RK : You’re behind some of the most iconic looks in recent years, What inspires you as a makeup artist and hair dresser?
Vipul : To create an iconic is indeed challenging the push is the competition with myself and my own work. To create a masterpiece that is taking my creation a notch high.
RK : You have worked with a lot of celebrities! Who were some of your favorites to work with and why?
Vipul : My favorite celebrity was the diva herself Malaika Arora who was a style icon then and now, plus it was a pleasure to do her “Wedding makeup” . one other celebrity who was my personal favorite was Kylie Minogue, for her special performance in the movie “BLUE” who carried the retro glam look just fabulously .

RK : You've done such beautiful work on so many celebrities. Who have you not worked on that you'd kill to get into your chair?
Vipul : The hot seat is most welcomed to Megan Fox and Scarlet Johanson. From our own Bollywood the new age rage i've already worked with Alia Bhatt ,RadhikaApte,ShrutiHasan, KritiSanon may be Sara Ali Khan would be next on my list.
RK : Can you name some of the biggest trends you are seeing right now in the hair and makeup world? Are any of them here to stay, or are they just fleeting trends?
Vipul : I think they are fleeting trends. Because this season is like more of what you do, and people react “wow” and after some months or years that trend is again brought in, and people love it too. It’s a versatile concept.

RK : Do you have any stories where you've brought a bride back from "totally losing it" to "graceful and poised"?
Vipul : Yes, there have been many such incidences where brides tend to go overboard with the choice of their outfits or jewelry and not wanting to stop their they want to go heavy with their makeup too..it becomes very important at that time to keep your foot firmly down and teach them the importance of creating a balance in their looks.during once such experience I came across a bride who actually had planned four outfits change for a single function..along with jewelry and elaborate hairdos..I reasoned out with her on the time she would lose out in enjoying her functions and refrained her from doing so many changes after settling for two in which we slightly changed the makeup and putting her hair up in a messy knot which actually looked quite sensational for a destination wedding.

RK : How do you find a balance between bridal makeup that is modern and at the same time, ‘parent-friendly?’
Vipul : Actually that is not the problem anymore. I feel today's brides are very independent and are very well prepared in advance with their references and acknowledgements from their parents. yet I always advise my brides not to reroute totally from the traditional looks and retain some element of ethnicity and we make it work with the modern concept which goes down very well with the family too.

RK : Do you give your brides any home-care makeup and hair routines to follow?
Vipul : Yes, I do tell them 3-4 months prior, drink lots of water, sleep enough, don’t drink or smoke so skin doesn’t get dull and keep moisturizing your face, so that it glows on a daily basis.
RK : What three makeup items should no woman leave home without?
Vipul : A kajal Pencil, A lip liner and an under eye coverage cream.with these 3 items you’ll always be ready with on the go makeup.
RK : Staying fresh and innovative in today’s fast-paced world can be a challenge. How do you stay creative and where do you look for inspiration?
Vipul : I look for inspiration all around me because I believe in finding inspiration in the small imperfections coz I feel everything is imperfectly beautiful.

RK : What do you predict will be huge in the world of hair in the next year?
Vipul : In hair I feel its healthy, luscious voluminous hair which will rule the roost.
RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to build one single stage for all the artists, because we believe that artists are the most beautiful creation of God and geographical boundary can never break their unity and harmony. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your followers.
Vipul : Retro Kolkata deserves real appreciation. Your magazine is unity in diversity to give a platform to the ones who create masterpiece and to acknowledge them and putting them in the spotlight to the world deserves all the support and credibility from every industry professionals from all around the world. Wishing you all the very best for your future projects.
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