RK : Please say something about you. About your career as model. How did you get started?
Tanvi : So I started modelling for a few designers and brands while I was still completing my graduation . I was anchoring along with modelling also . I came to Mumbai when I was 17 as my Dad is in the army and is a Brigadier , so we would travel all around the country . Mumbai was always my dream base . I had joined Prithvi theater and Shiamak Davar classes . There my friends encouraged me to try modelling . The moment I came to Mumbai I was offered a few TVCs and Print shoots. I walked the ramp for various designers .
RK : Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen?
Tanvi : I was interested in something to do with art , design , fashion , creativity - so yes modelling was definitely on the cards . Plus I had friends who told me to get into this . All of them were elder to me when I came to Mumbai . So they would tag me along with them for auditions and screenings and meets .

RK : What was your first big break in the industry ?
Tanvi : I think when I walked the ramp for Schwarzkopf Hair Essentials . I was a bit healthy back then .But the show director was hell bent on me walking the ramp . So I did it for fun . The next thing I knew they printed my photo in various magazines . I started getting calls from various agencies .
RK : Best modeling experience ever?
Tanvi : I think every experience is good and memorable . All my Photographer friends call me crazy . In one of the shoots , it was freezing like hell , we were shooting in Lonavala . The photographer just mentioned about a shot in the swimming pool with the gown floating . Everyone thought it was a crazy idea . The next thing was me jumping into the water . I guess the entire team was shocked for a minute or two . But then that was one of the best shots of that shoot .

RK : What has been your favorite shoot / campaign / work to date?
Tanvi : I love creativity . I love when there’s a back story behind a photo . So all artistic shoots are my favourite . Recently I shot with one of my oldest photographer friends Mr Darshan Ghosalkar , he literally makes me understand a back story for every shot he takes . I had my hair dyed blue and copper by my hair stylist Ms Khusbu Soni . The concept was a blend between History and Contemporary art . So it was fun shooting that .

RK : Sometimes the modeling industry gets a bad rap with the jealousy and egos encountered between other models and agencies. Was this true for you? Have you managed to tough it out and make good friends?
Tanvi : Thankfully I have not come across models like these . I guess times are changing . Models appreciate each other’s work . I have met a lot of models who have helped me a lot . There’s one incidence when I was waking as a show stopper for Designer - Pratibha Lalwani in Asian Designer Week , and my lehenga was a little loose . There was this model who immediately came n put some pins n stuff n made it perfect so I don’t trip . So models are very helpful . It’s a wrong notion that there is jealousy and ego .

RK : Do you ever get shy in front of the camera?
Tanvi : No , not at all . You will see a different side of me infront of the camera , which is far from shy .
RK : How do you stay in Shape?
Tanvi : I workout , go for jogs. I love home workout . You put on trance music for me and you will see me dancing for hours . That’s how I stay in shape . Plus simple home cooked food is preferred by me . Though I love my Tandoori Chicken , Biryani and Burgers .. You gotta have a balance . Dieting is just not my cup of tea .

RK : Do you have a skin care routine?
Tanvi : Your skin rejuvenates itself every fortnight . So the less you do is perfect . Basic cleansing , toning and moisturising . And of course loads of sunscreen .
RK : Would you like to share 5 fun facts about you people may not know.
Tanvi : I am a masters in psychology .
I was a state level swimmer .
I just did my first feature film called 'Aa Bb Kk' .
I am an anchor and a fashion influencer .
I meditate everyday for 20 mins and am a Lord Shiva follower ( bhakt)

RK : What skills according to you are necessary to be a successful model ?
Tanvi : You need to be you , and just have fun doing modelling . The best work comes out when you are happy and great full for every opportunity. Very less people have the courage to follow their dreams and stay on track even after failures . So you gotta be that 1 percent and just kill it .
RK : Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model?
Tanvi : I remember when I was walking for Schwarzkopf. There was a hairstylist who flew down from London to give all models haircuts . I had knee length hair back then . She looked at me and gave me a wink saying “ I hope you are ready for this , don’t worry you will rock “ The next thing I knew I had shoulder length hair and fringes in copper and red colour . Back home people did not recognize me . So yeah that was funny .

RK : If you could have one Superpower, what would you choose?
Tanvi : Cloning . I would do so much more work or maybe time travel .
RK : What are the 5 Things you want to tell newbies before he/she become a model .
Tanvi : Believe in yourself Try and learn from every opportunity There is just one you , so never copy anyone else , be original Be creative Pe prepared to push your limits like no one else .
RK : We (Retro Kolkata) are trying to make a bridge between National and International Art & Culture By featuring National & International personalities who already have made their own path in their respective fields and we think your story and tips might help the newcomers to build their career. Please say something about our initiative and any special message for your Indian followers.
Tanvi : First of all thanks for this opportunity. Like I said earlier be original . Thanks to the world of technology and social media we have access to a lot of new things - so use that for knowledge. There are going to be failures and a lot of days where you would want to give up and lead that comfortable life , but if you want to be what you always dreamed of then get up when you fall and kick your excuses and move forward with a huge smile .
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